An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there is one or more double bond in the fatty acid chain. A fat molecule is monounsaturated if it contains Antioxidants can protect unsaturated fat from lipid peroxidation. Foods containing unsaturated fats include avocado, nuts, and soybean, canola...Saturated and unsaturated fat are the two primary forms of dietary fat. Their health impact is controversial. We examine their differences and Most health organizations and dietary experts recommend eating saturated fats in moderation and replacing them with unsaturated fats when...Examples of unsaturated fats, or fatty acids, are often found in the world around you, including common foods we eat. Unsaturated fats are derived from plants and some animals. They contain at least one double bond in their fatty acid chain.21. Which structural formula represents a saturated hydrocarbon? 30. Which compound is a member of the alkane series? 64. Which formula represents an unsaturated hydrocarbon? 74. To which series does the hydrocarbon with the structure shown below belong?In nutrition, biology, and chemistry, fat usually means any ester of fatty acids, or a mixture of such compounds; most commonly those that occur in living beings or in food.
Saturated vs. unsaturated fats: Which is more healthful?
Fats are an important part of your diet but some types are healthier than others. Choosing healthy fats from vegetable sources more often than less healthy types from animal products can help lower your. All fats are made up of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.Those fats which contain more Unsaturated fatty acids, are liquid in normal room temp...e.g,oil from plant sources & just the opposite in case of animal fats. They are solid as they contain more saturated fatty acids in their composition. Its said that eating more saturated fats like red meat etc increases...Unsaturated fats are typically regarded as healthy fats because they improve various biomarkers of health The technical definition of unsaturated fat is a fatty acid in which there is at least one double bond in This simple difference in chemical structure leads to a significant change in how our body...This tutorial shows you how to set up your Word document for chapter-based figure and table numbering. This video uses the NC A&T Thesis/Dissertation...
Examples of Unsaturated Fats: A List of Common Types
Unsaturated fats have one or more double bonds between the carbon atoms. Of the given options, the structure in (c) having double bonds between carbon atoms and hence is unsaturated. Thus, the correct answer is option C.Body fat can be assessed by which of the following techniques? a. blood lipid test b. chest circumference Fundamentals of Physical Geography. A way to prevent spoilage of unsaturated fats and make them If all the stars in the photo in Figure UN 8-3 are members of the same star cluster...Too much fat in your diet, especially saturated fats, can raise your cholesterol, which increases the The government recommends that: men should not eat more than 30g of saturated fat a day. Mostly found in oils from plants and fish, unsaturated fats can be either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.Unsaturated fatty acids:Unsaturated fatty acids contain one or more double bonds between carbon atoms. Long chain fatty acids always exist as triglycerides and are found in fats and oils. Triglycerides are esters of fatty acids and are formed by combining fatty acids with glycerol.D) Only (3) Is Unsaturated. CH3 5. Which Of The Structures Below Are Identical? (Hint: Name The Compounds. Transcribed Image Text from this Question. 3. Which of the molecules shown below are unsaturated? (1) CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 (2) CH3CH=CHCH(CH3)2 (3) HC=CCH2CH(CH3)2 a) All...
Human Body Unit Practice Test Modified True/False Indicate whether or not the remark is correct or false. If false, trade the recognized phrase or word to make the statement true. ____ 1. Organs of the frightened system include the mind and spinal cord. _________________________ Figure 30–3 ____ 2. Figure 30–Three shows the amount of nutritional "Calories," or kilocalories, in keeping with serving. The choice of exact energy in this product is 110. _________________________ ____ 3. A nutrition excessive in saturated fats and trans fat decreases the danger for growing middle disease._________________________ ____ 4. Proteins are polymers of amino acids. ____ 5. Oxidizing a gram of fat releases more energy than does oxidizing a gram of carbohydrate. _________________________ ____ 6. Peristalsis reasons meals to go back and forth during the small intestines into the tummy. _________________________ ____ 7. If too little water is absorbed from the large intestine, constipation results. _________________________ _________________________ ____ 8. While the pancreas processes cellulose and different fabrics in some mammals, in people it is only spotted when it is infected or infected. _________________________ ____ 9. The pores and skin, lungs, and kidneys are examples of organs that make up the excretory device. _________________________ ____ 10. Blood enters the kidneys during the renal veins. _________________________ ____ 11. When you're dehydrated, the pituitary gland releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which reasons the kidneys to reabsorb much less water. _________________________ ____ 12. Your anxious system receives information that a baseball is being thrown in your direction. After the information is processed by means of your mind, your central frightened device stimulates the muscle tissues in your palms to catch the ball. _________________________ ____ 13. Spreading out from the cell frame of a neuron are quick, branched extensions referred to as axons that gather knowledge. _________________________ ____ 14. Myelin sheaths can be broken by strokes or dietary deficiencies. If a neuron has a damaged myelin sheath, impulses transfer sooner through the axon than they'd in a healthy neuron. _________________________ ____ 15. When a stimulus is weaker than the brink of a neuron, it'll no longer produce an impulse. _________________________ ____ 16. Densely packed nerve cellular bodies found in the cerebral cortex are known as white topic. ______________________________ ____ 17. Sensory receptors that alert your mind when it's cold outside are referred to as thermoreceptors. _________________________ ____ 18. The muscular tissues in your abdomen answerable for churning and combining food are managed via the somatic anxious device. _________________________ ____ 19. During mind surgical procedure, patients are every so often kept conscious. This is conceivable since the brain does no longer include chemoreceptors. ______________________________ ____ 20. All of your style buds are discovered in your tongue. ____________________ ____ 21. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup and the 2 tiny sacs positioned in the back of them help the frame take care of its equilibrium. ______________________________ ____ 22. When strolling into a dimly lit room, the cones in your eyes let you in finding your way round. ____________________ ____ 23. Vision occurs when photoreceptors in the retina transmit impulses to the brain, which translates these impulses into images._________________________ ____ 24. A common damage among aged folks is a damaged hip. This form of damage happens in the appendicular skeleton. _________________________ ____ 25. Red marrow is made up basically of fat cells. _________________________ ____ 26. Smooth muscle contractions are liable for pushing a baby out of its mom's uterus right through childbirth. _________________________ ____ 27. ATP provides the power for muscle contraction. _________________________ ____ 28. When astronauts are in area, their muscle mass generally tend to improve due to the lack of gravity. _________________________ ____ 29. Sunlight is wanted for one of the vital chemical reactions that permits pores and skin cells to provide vitamin C. _________________________ ____ 30. The outer layer of the epidermis is shed every four to 5 weeks. _________________________ ____ 31. Excessive exposure to infrared radiation in sunlight and tanning beds could cause adjustments in skin cells that may result in pores and skin cancer. ____ 32. After the AV node produces impulses, the ventricles contract, pumping blood out of the middle._________________________ Figure 33–3 ____ 33. In Figure 33–3, when the leg muscle contracts, blood in the veins is driven clear of the guts. _________________________ ____ 34. When your frame is uncovered to the bacteria that cause strep throat, B lymphocytes produce antibodies that fight the an infection._________________________ ____ 35. Lymph vessels have pumps that transfer lymph in the course of the body and prevent it from flowing backward. _________________________ ____ 36. If a person has a blood drive reading of 150/90, she or he has normal blood drive. _________________________ ____ 37. HDL is the ldl cholesterol carrier that is most likely to motive bother in the circulatory device as it becomes part of plaque. _________________________ ____ 38. The procedure through which oxygen and carbon monoxide are exchanged between cells, the blood, and air in the lungs is known as breathing. _________________________ ____ 39. In your lungs, diffusion of oxygen from alveoli into capillaries stops when oxygen concentrations in the blood are equivalent to oxygen concentrations in the alveoli. _________________________ ____ 40. The brain controls breathing in a middle situated in the medulla oblongata. _________________________ ____ 41. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant that decreases center charge and blood drive. _________________________ ____ 42. Exocrine glands unencumber their secretions into the bloodstream. _________________________ ____ 43. The pancreas produces hormones that lend a hand to keep your blood glucose ranges solid after consuming an ice cream sundae. _________________________ ____ 44. While status outside looking forward to the school bus on a chilly day, your frame maintains its core temperature by lowering the quantity of thyroxine in your blood. ______________________________ ____ 45. The pituitary gland produces the hormones FSH and LH, which impact the advance of gonads right through puberty. _________________________ ____ 46. Glands lining the male reproductive tract produce a nutrient-rich fluid known as sperm. _________________________ ____ 47. In a 28-day menstrual cycle, menstruation generally begins on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. _________________________ ____ 48. During ovulation, an higher estrogen level triggers a decrease in LH and FSH from the pituitary. _________________________ ____ 49. The vaccine for HPV will have to be administered after a lady becomes infected with HPV. _________________________ ____ 50. The procedure in which the blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to grow in the tissues of the mom is named gastrulation. _________________________ ____ 51. If an egg is present in the vagina, its probabilities of being fertilized by way of a sperm launched right through ejaculation are good. _________________________ ____ 52. Babies can have breathing problems because of incomplete lung development throughout months 7–9. _________________________ ____ 53. Within a few hours after birth, the pituitary hormone oxytocin stimulates the production of milk in the breast tissues of the mum. _________________________ ____ 54. Washing your fingers ceaselessly can prevent the spread of many vectors. _________________________ Figure 35–4 ____ 55. Figure 35–Four shows the structures on which all of the cell-mediated immune response is dependent. _________________________ ____ 56. In humoral immunity, reminiscence B cells reply quickly to the body being exposed to the chickenpox virus for the second time. _________________________ ____ 57. Passive immunity lasts for handiest a little while because the immune gadget eventually destroys the international antibody. _________________________ ____ 58. One reason why for the emergence of latest diseases is the rise in domestic animal business. _________________________ ____ 59. Histamines can reduce the symptoms of an hypersensitive reaction. _________________________ ____ 60. Autoimmune illnesses can be handled. _________________________ Completion Complete each and every statement. 61. Specialized ____________________ are the fundamental unit of structure in dwelling things that are uniquely suited for perform a specific serve as. 62. ____________________ is the method by which organisms maintain a fairly solid internal surroundings. 63. Molecules in meals contain chemical energy that cells use to supply ____________________. 64. Calcium, iron, and magnesium are all examples of the group of vitamins referred to as ____________________. 65. ____________________ supply information similar to the amount of sodium and Calories in keeping with serving found in meals merchandise. 66. A mix of enzymes and partially digested meals known as ____________________ is produced in the stomach. 67. Teeth are extremely vital in ____________________ digestion as a result of they bodily ruin down massive items of food into smaller ones. 68. The pancreas produces _________________________, a base that neutralizes abdomen acid so that the enzymes will also be effective. 69. Tiny, finger-like constructions called villi and microvilli build up the tummy's ____________________, permitting it to take in extra nutrient molecules. 70. If a person eats salty meals, his or her kidneys reply via excreting extra salt into the ____________________. 71. During a ____________________, a patient receives a kidney from a suitable donor. 72. The myelin sheath that surrounds a unmarried lengthy axon leaves many gaps, known as ____________________, the place the axon membrane is uncovered. 73. When a person loses consciousness because of a head injury from a automotive crash, the ____________________ helps to keep the frame functioning by regulating the go with the flow of information between the brain and the remainder of the frame. 74. Drugs produce adjustments in one particular group of synapses that use the neurotransmitter ____________________. 75. The turning of your head is controlled via the ____________________ nervous gadget, which is part of the peripheral nervous gadget's motor division. 76. The ____________________ incorporates thermoreceptors that sense adjustments in blood temperature. 77. The sensory organs that locate taste are called ____________________. 78. The ____________________ are the sense organs that may distinguish both pitch and loudness in vibrations that move through air. 79. Small muscle groups hooked up to the ____________________ of your eye change its shape to permit you to center of attention on close to or distant objects. 80. A person who has a low focus of ____________________ will have problem distinguishing one colour from every other. 81. Multicellular animals have ____________________, which supply structure and strengthen within their person cells. 82. The separate bones of a newborn toddler's cranium grow until they are fused in combination and connected by means of ____________________ joints. 83. The idea used to provide an explanation for the action of filaments in muscle contraction is the _________________________. 84. The point of touch between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber is named a(an) _________________________. 85. The muscle that bends, or flexes, the elbow joint is the ____________________. 86. Hair and nails are part of the _________________________ system. 87. A person with darker pores and skin produces extra ____________________ than an individual with lighter pores and skin. 88. The ____________________ is the layer of pores and skin that contains blood vessels and nerve endings. 89. If somebody has an hypersensitivity to a food that they consume, similar to peanuts, part of the body's response is the release of the chemical ____________________. 90. In easy animals, diffusion and lively transport across mobile membranes provide the cells with ____________________ and nutrients, and take away waste merchandise. Figure 33–4 91. In Figure 33–4, A and C receive blood thru ____________________ move. 92. Medical employees use a sphygmomanometer to measure ____________________. 93. A normal blood drive reading for a healthy teenager or adult is below ____________________. 94. The iron-containing protein called ____________________ binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues all the way through the frame the place the oxygen is launched. 95. Plasma is composed most commonly of ____________________. 96. When your physician feels your neck for "swollen glands" she or he is checking for swelling in the _________________________. 97. Fatty deposits referred to as plaque build up in the walls of arteries, causing a situation referred to as ____________________. 98. Drugs corresponding to ____________________ lend a hand other folks with high cholesterol by means of blockading the synthesis of cholesterol in liver cells. 99. Your talent to sing along to music at the radio comes from two extremely elastic folds of tissues called the vocal cords, located within the ____________________. 100. Breathing is such the most important serve as that your ____________________ system won't will let you have whole keep watch over over it. 101. The ____________________ gadget is made up of glands that liberate their products into the ____________________. 102. Because steroid hormones are made of ____________________, they can simply cross mobile membranes. 103. The thyroid gland is controlled via the ____________________ and the ____________________. 104. ____________________ is a period of speedy expansion and sexual maturation all through which the reproductive device turns into fully useful. 105. Cryptorchidism is a dysfunction in which one or both of the testes have now not descended into the _________________________ by the time of start. 106. In the feminine body, each egg is surrounded by means of a ____________________, which breaks open when the egg is mature. 107. If a woman is not ovulating, there is not any likelihood of ____________________. 108. During ____________________, three germ layers form. They are referred to as ____________________, ectoderm, and mesoderm. 109. Almost everything that the mother takes into her body passes in the course of the ____________________ to the embryo. 110. Chickenpox, tetanus, and malaria are all examples of ____________________ sicknesses. 111. Mosquitoes that elevate disease-causing organisms from individual to individual are known as ____________________. 112. Any opening in the surface is a potential front for ____________________. 113. Chemicals referred to as ____________________ build up the glide of blood and fluids to the affected space as a part of the frame's inflammatory reaction. 114. When your frame is infected with the chilly virus, antibodies tag the pathogen's ____________________, which are discovered on their outer floor, for destruction by immune cells. 115. A ____________________ T cellular activates other T cells and B cells, while a killer T cellular binds to infected cells. 116. Humoral immunity is activated when ____________________ embedded on a couple of existing B cells bind to antigens on the floor of invading pathogens. 117. An English doctor named ____________________ performed an experiment in which he evolved a vaccine for smallpox. 118. Antibiotics are used to treat infectious illnesses brought about by means of ____________________. 119. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune gadget attacks the frame's tissues round joints. This is an example of a(an) _________________________ illness. 120. An individual who has ____________________ is likely to be afflicted by a number of other rare infections as a result of the virus that reasons the disease attacks the immune system. Short Answer 121. Compare and contrast tissues and organs. 122. What are two the explanation why consuming is important to your frame? A B Figure 30–4 123. In Figure 30–4, which structure represents unsaturated fat? Which structure represents saturated fat? At room temperature, what state is each and every type of fat? State whether or not each fat is associated with center issues. Give an instance of every type of fat. 124. What is fiber and why is it necessary? Figure 30–5 125. Name and describe the digestive procedure this is taking place in Figure 30–5. 126. Using the next phrases, design and label a go with the flow chart showing the path via which blood and waste flow in the kidney: ureter, renal vein, renal artery, glomerulus, nephron, and gathering duct. 127. Your doctor checks a pattern of your urine and reveals that it is a dark, yellow-green colour. What may your doctor counsel that you simply do? Why? 128. A 16 year-old woman is diagnosed with kidney failure. Despite receiving dialysis therapies for three months, her physician tells her that she wishes a kidney transplant. Her brother volunteers to donate his kidney. How will he be capable to live on if he donates his kidney? 129. What are 3 ways in which kidneys handle homeostasis? 130. What is the position of myelin sheaths in the nervous device? 131. In patients with Alzheimer's illness, early harm to the synapses in the brain can result in momentary reminiscence loss. If the synapse between a neuron and some other cellular is damaged, how will it have an effect on an impulse? Figure 31–6 132. Figure 31–6 shows the mobile membrane of a resting neuron. How have you learnt that the neuron is at leisure? 133. Why are impulses all the time transmitted around the synapse in one direction? 134. Why is a serious damage to the mind stem steadily fatal? 135. What causes a drug user to keep expanding the volume of drug they abuse? 136. When you talk over with an amusement park or truthful, your frame is uncovered to quite a lot of stimuli. Describe how 3 sensory receptors are activated in this environment. 137. Why does your mouth really feel hot whilst you eat a jalapeno pepper? 138. Sometimes on the end of a tv cooking display, the chef describes how the overall product she or he made "tastes." Why is it wrong for him or her to refer simplest to the "style" of meals? 139. Describe the role of the cochlea in listening to. 140. Compare and distinction the purposes of rods and cones. 141. Osteoporosis is a bone dysfunction that causes vulnerable bones. It generally happens in older adults and is more not unusual in women than men. It occurs when a frame's osteoclasts work faster than its osteoblasts. How does this lead to weak bones? 142. How would the body be affected if spongy bones had a dense, solid structure like compact bone slightly than a latticework structure? Figure 32–4 143. Briefly give an explanation for how movement can be affected if the structure categorised A in Figure 32–Four wasn't present in some portable joints? 144. Explain which type of muscle is involved whilst you tie your shoelaces. 145. Each muscle fiber has an all-or-none response. How, then, can the power of a muscle contraction vary? 146. In a left-handed individual, which hand would most probably have extra power? Why? 147. Based on what you understand about muscle groups and movement, assessment the following observation as true or false. Then briefly give an explanation for your resolution. Musicians should teach their muscle groups in order to play tools, simply as athletes will have to educate their muscle tissues in order to play sports activities. 148. Evaluate the following remark as true or false. Briefly shield your resolution. The pores and skin is nothing more than the outer masking of the frame. 149. Compare the constructions found in the dermis with the structures discovered in the dermis. 150. If you have been a scientist who was growing a new treatment for zits, what would your product wish to do in order to be efficient? 151. Why is it vital to keep away from tan parlors and put on a hat, sun shades, and protective clothing every time you spend time outside? 152. Why do better organisms want a circulatory machine? 153. Compare and contrast pulmonary circulate with systemic circulate. You would possibly use a Venn diagram to plot your reaction. 154. Construct a desk that shows the purposes of the three sorts of blood vessels. 155. If the lymphatic system didn't serve as, what would be the instant effects at the human body? 156. Why is LDL (low-density lipoprotein) referred to as "bad" cholesterol whilst HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is referred to as "excellent" cholesterol? 157. Explain the connection between air drive out of doors the body (atmospheric force) and the movement of air into and out of the lungs. 158. Evaluate the following remark as true or false. Then protect your solution. Smokers not best put their own well being in peril, but additionally the health of their friends and family. 159. Define goal mobile and give an explanation for why all cells aren't goal cells for all hormones. 160. How do steroid hormones and nonsteroid hormones act otherwise on cells? Figure 34–1 161. A lady visits her doctor with symptoms of low frame temperature, loss of power, and weight achieve.What situation is also inflicting those signs? An issue with which organ in Figure 34–1 is the results of this condition? 162. How are the actions of glands and hormones in the endocrine gadget like a thermostat in a home heating device? 163. Construct a glide chart that shows the trail via which sperm travels from the time they are produced till they're expelled from the male frame. 164. Construct a Venn diagram in which you evaluate and distinction bacterial and viral sexually transmitted illnesses. Include examples of every. 165. Many sperm may reach an egg in a Fallopian tube at the identical time. What prevents more than one sperm from fertilizing an egg? 166. Sometimes throughout pregnancy, the placenta bureaucracy over the cervix. Why might this be a major situation for the mum and fetus? 167. What is the function of oxytocin in childbirth? 168. Construct a graphic organizer based on the varieties of organisms that purpose infectious diseases. The graphic organizer will have to come with the pathogens' classification, how they infect an organism, and examples of each. 169. What are 4 tactics you'll help keep away from contracting and spreading infectious diseases? 170. Construct a graphic organizer based on your body's nonspecific defenses. 171. What role do interferons play in the immune machine? Are they effective against all pathogens? 172. Measles (rubeola) and German measles (rubella) are caused by different viruses. If you have got recovered from rubeola, are you protected against an infection with rubella? Why or why not? 173. Helper T cells are crucial to the serve as of the immune system. If they're destroyed by an HIV an infection, how will this affect the body's humoral immunity? 174. In common, what's the difference between the body's number one immune response and the body's secondary immune response? 175. Is a vaccination an instance of active or passive immunity? Defend your solution. 176. Acyclovir is now and again used to regard chickenpox and mononucleosis. This drug works by way of inhibiting the synthesis of viral DNA. Is acyclovir an antibiotic? Why or why now not? 177. What can occur when an immune device overreacts to risk free pathogens? 178. Why is lupus classified as an autoimmune disease? 179. Zidovudine (AZT) is a drug that inhibits the enzyme HIV must multiply. What effect would you expect AZT to have at the choice of T cells in an HIV-infected particular person's blood? Figure 35–5 180. Figure 35–5 shows how HIV infects a cellular. Fill in the boxes with a description of every step. Other Figure 30–6 181. Interpret Visuals What is the significance of the figure mountaineering up the facet of the pyramid in Figure 30–6? Figure 30–7 182. Apply Concepts Figure 30–7 shows a small gut and two magnified photos of its structure. What is the serve as of the small gut? 183. Interpret Visuals In Figure 30–7, what constructions are labeled A? 184. Interpret Visuals In Figure 30–7, what structures are categorised B? 185. Apply Concepts Based for your wisdom of the 4 tissues found in the frame, which type of tissue, categorised C in Figure 30–7, would you expect to find inside the lining of the small gut? Explain your solution. Figure 30–8 186. Interpret Graphs Figure 30–8 presentations the secretions of the pancreas in reaction to 3 different elements in chyme. Each pair of bars represents the reaction of the pancreas to a different variable. What are the three variables? 187. Interpret Graphs In Figure 30–8, what is the explicit variable this is being measured? 188. Draw Conclusions In response to which variable do digestive enzymes make up the best percentage of secretions in Figure 30–8? What is the percentage? 189. Apply Concepts How would you give an explanation for why bicarbonate and digestive enzymes respond in a different way in two of the variables in Figure 30–8? This diagram shows the structure of a synapse between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of a neighboring neuron. Figure 31–7 190. Interpret Visuals In Figure 31–7, which buildings release neurotransmitters? 191. Apply Concepts What reasons neurotransmitters to be launched in Figure 31–7? 192. Apply Concepts Referring to Figure 31–7, after the neurotransmitters are released from the receptors on the receiving cell, what occurs to the neurotransmitters? Alcohol is a legal drug that is labeled as a depressant as it reasons the mind to decelerate heart price and respiring fee, decrease blood force, and loosen up muscle tissue. Blood alcohol focus (BAC) is a measure of the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. The following graphs illustrate how many alcoholic drinks consumed in one hour result in different ranges of BAC in people of various lots. In some states, an grownup driving with a BAC of 0.08% or higher is considered to be legally under the influence of alcohol. Figure 31–8 193. Interpret Graphs An individual has a mass of 45 kg and has had one drink. According to Figure 31–8, how long would it not take for their BAC to be 0.04% or decrease? 194. Interpret Graphs A 48-kg grownup has had four drinks in an hour. According to Figure 31–8, may just this individual pressure legally after three hours? 195. Interpret Graphs Based on Figure 31–8, how is the mass of a person associated with BAC ranges? 196. Apply Concepts A 58-kg particular person has two cocktails simply ahead of dinner and a tumbler of wine with dinner 30 mins later. According to Figure 31–8, how lengthy would the individual be in the "Definitely illegal" category? Figure 31–9 197. Applying Concepts Referring to Figure 31–9, which lettered structure is the regulate middle for reputation and analysis of hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger, and body temperature? Distribution of Bones in Adult Human Body Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton Vertebral column: Cervical region . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thoracic region . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forelimbs: 7 12 Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Wrists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lumber area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sacrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Shoulder girdle . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Coccyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Skull: Cranium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facial portion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle ear bones . . . . . . . . . . . 8 14 6 Neck and chest regions: Hyoid (at base of tongue) . . . . . 1 Hindlimbs: Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Ankles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Legs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kneecaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hip girdle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sternum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 24 Figure 32–5 198. Apply Concepts Look at Figure 32–5. Which part of the skeleton, the axial or appendicular, protects the inside organs of the frame? 199. Interpret Tables Based on Figure 32–5, which two structures include essentially the most bones? Figure 32–6 200. Compare and Contrast In Figure 32–6, which structures are labeled B and D? How do they examine? 201. Apply Concepts In Figure 32–6, which structure comprises tissues that store fat? What are these tissues called? 202. Interpret Visuals Identify structure F in Figure 32–6. What does this structure contain? Figure 32–7 203. Interpret Visuals Identify the label that shows the layer of skin in which pimples develops in Figure 32–7. 204. Apply Concepts How can the structure categorised E in Figure 32-7 result in a pimple? 205. Apply Concepts In Figure 32–7, how does structure D help the frame maintain homeostasis? 206. Draw Conclusions Use Figure 32–7 to explain why a slight scratch will most definitely not bleed. Figure 33–5 207. Apply Concepts What form of muscle makes up the organ shown in Figure 33–5? Why is structure F extra muscular than structure G? 208. Apply Concepts What are the jobs of the buildings L and I in Figure 33-5? Figure 33–6 209. Interpret Visuals When you are taking a deep breath, into which structure(s) in Figure 33–6 does air transfer after leaving the trachea? Into what organ does the structure lead? 210. Interpret Visuals In Figure 33–6, what structure is categorised A? What is the position of the subtle network of capillaries that surrounds them? Figure 34–4 211. Interpret Visuals Based on Figure 34–4, what occurs as the extent of thyroxine increases in the blood? Figure 34–5 212. Interpret Visuals Which structure in Figure 34–Five produces sperm? Give each the identify and the letter of this structure. Figure 34–6 213. Interpret Graphs On which day or days in the cycle proven in Figure 34–6 is fertilization in all probability to occur? 214. Infer When throughout the cycle proven in Figure 34–6 does a woman menstruate? 215. Predict How would the curve of progesterone levels in Figure 34–6 alternate if the egg had been fertilized? Figure 35–6 216. Draw Conclusions Assume that the cultures in A and C in Figure 35–6 are similar. What can you conclude from this experiment based on this information? Figure 35–7 217. Apply Concepts Based on Figure 35–7, how is an antibody ready to recognize a selected antigen? 218. Apply Concepts How do antibodies act as "signal flags" to other part of the immune machine? A scientist used a mathematical fashion that describes the interplay of the human immune gadget with HIV to simulate the effect of HIV drugs on HIV-infected patients. Her function was once to resolve the optimal time to begin treating HIV-infected patients. Graphs A, B, and C show one of the most result of the scientist's simulation. Figure 35–8 219. Interpret Graphs What do the 2 traces on Graph A in Figure 35–8 constitute? 220. Interpret Graphs Based on Graphs A and B in Figure 35–8, what happens to T cell concentration between days 800 and 1200 all the way through an HIV an infection? Essay 221. Name six of the frame's programs and describe their functions. 222. Explain how scratching an itch is an instance of comments inhibition. 223. Write a paragraph evaluating whether your eating habits represent a balanced diet. 224. Rattlesnake venom breaks down the partitions of the glomerulus. Why does a rattlesnake chew purpose blood to appear in the urine? 225. How do the kidneys respond to an larger intake of water? Of salt? 226. Using the following terms, construct a graphic organizer to reveal the relationships amongst portions of the apprehensive device. Be sure to give a temporary description of each term. central worried system, sensory division, somatic worried machine, apprehensive gadget, peripheral worried gadget, motor department, autonomic anxious machine 227. When you listen the phone ring, you pick it up to reply to it. Many neurons are concerned in this motion. Write a paragraph describing how every type of neuron is involved. 228. Construct a desk in which you describe the 4 sorts of lobes in the brain. The information in the desk will have to come with their location and serve as. 229. Do you think your fingertips or the arms of your palms have the greatest concentration of sensory receptors? Explain your answer. 230. Female gymnasts carry out an Olympic match referred to as the "stability beam." In this match, they should demonstrate abilities on a work of kit that is only 4 inches extensive and forty-eight inches off the ground. To do that, they want a strong sense of steadiness. How do their bodies use their ears to determine movement and place? 231. How is an eye like a camera? How is it different? 232. Evaluate this remark as true or false: "The skeletal system is a inflexible, useless make stronger device for the remainder of the body." Defend your resolution. 233. Why may a health care provider X-ray the elbow of an excessively short 17-year-old boy, although there was no harm? 234. Getting able for college each morning calls for your body to transport in plenty of ways. Each movement involves several types of joints. Describe 3 examples of the way joints permit you to get able for college. Be sure to establish the kind of joint and the movement every joint produces. 235. Compare and distinction the 3 varieties of muscular tissues. Be sure to incorporate their buildings, their functions, and an example of each. 236. When a musician is enjoying the violin, the muscle groups in the upper palms are working in pairs. Describe this dual motion. 237. How is the body's circulatory gadget like a major transportation machine in a city? 238. Just after a automobile accident, a teenage boy suffers from low blood power. Based on what you know about his blood drive studying, what are two things his body will naturally do to assist return his blood force again to standard? 239. Hemophilia is an inherited blood disorder in which an affected person may bleed incessantly even after a minor injury. For other folks with hemophilia B, the illness is led to by a lack of the protein thromboplastin. Why would the lack of thromboplastin purpose an individual to bleed for an extended time than customary? 240. Construct a desk that displays the lymphatic gadget's roles in circulate, nutrient absorption, and immunity. The table will have to include a description of each and every function and a listing of the most important organs or structures involved. Figure 34–7 241. Using the diagrams in Figure 34–7, compare and distinction the ways in which steroid and nonsteroid hormones act on the right track cells. 242. Explain the variation between the connection of the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary. 243. When you workout vigorously, your body loses water in the type of sweat. How do comments mechanisms in the endocrine gadget let you to care for water balance? 244. Trace the trail of an egg from its follicle. How does the path of a fertilized egg vary from that of an unfertilized egg? 245. Create a public carrier announcement that will likely be heard at the radio or read at the Internet in which you tell teenagers concerning the risks of sexually transmitted sicknesses. Include the commonest bacterial STD in addition to the ones led to by means of different bacteria and viruses. State how they are unfold, the wear they motive, and the right way to treat and save you them. 246. Compare and distinction human development all over months 4–6 and months 7–9 after fertilization. 247. What is the germ theory of illness? Why is it incorrect to make use of the phrase "germ"? What do you think would be a better name for the idea? 248. Part of the frame's nonspecific reaction to illness is chemical in nature. Describe the body's nonspecific chemical responses to pathogens. 249. In the last 100 years, the U.S. has observed an important decline in the number of deaths brought about via infectious illness. What are the two main factors that experience caused this decline? How have they every contributed to this alternate? 250. How do you assume the increase in the worldwide trade market has affected the spread of emerging diseases? Explain. Human Body Unit Practice Test Answer Section MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE 1. ANS: REF: STA: 2. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 p. 863 | p. 864 OBJ: 30.1.1 Describe how the human frame is organized. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension F, 110,000 PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 868 OBJ: 30.2.1 Explain how food provides energy. 3. ANS: F, will increase BLM: research PTS: OBJ: BLM: 4. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: 5. ANS: REF: BLM: 6. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 873 30.2.1 Explain how food supplies energy. | 30.2.3 Explain how one can plan a balanced nutrition. comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 p. 870 30.2.2 Identify the very important nutrients your body wishes and inform how every is important to the body. UT.BIO.2.1.b BLM: knowledge T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 873 OBJ: 30.2.3 Explain how you can plan a balanced nutrition. analysis F, esophagus PTS: OBJ: STA: 7. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 877 30.3.2 Explain what happens all over digestion. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c F, diarrhea BLM: comprehension PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 881 OBJ: 30.3.2 Explain what occurs all over digestion. | 30.3.3 Describe how vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eliminated from the body. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 8. ANS: F, appendix PTS: OBJ: body. BLM: 9. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: 10. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 882 30.3.3 Describe how vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eliminated from the STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c wisdom T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 883 30.4.1 Describe the constructions of the excretory gadget and give an explanation for their purposes. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension F, arteries PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 885 OBJ: 30.4.2 Explain how the kidneys blank the blood. BLM: knowledge 11. ANS: F, extra STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 886 OBJ: 30.4.2 Explain how the kidneys blank the blood. | 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys maintain homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: application 12. ANS: F, peripheral apprehensive machine PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 896 | p. 907 OBJ: 31.1.1 Identify the functions of the fearful device. | 31.3.2 Describe the functions of the motor department of the peripheral fearful gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 13. ANS: F, dendrites PTS: OBJ: BLM: 14. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 897 31.1.2 Describe the serve as of neurons. wisdom F, slower PTS: OBJ: BLM: 15. ANS: REF: TOP: 16. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 897 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. TOP: Foundation Edition analysis T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 899 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. Foundation Edition BLM: research F, grey topic TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 902 OBJ: 31.2.1 Discuss the purposes of the mind and spinal wire. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: knowledge 17. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 906 OBJ: 31.3.1 Describe the functions of the sensory department of the peripheral anxious machine. | 31.4.1 Discuss the sense of touch and establish the quite a lot of varieties of sensory receptors in the skin. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: software 18. ANS: F, autonomic PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 19. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 31.3.2 Describe the functions of the motor division of the peripheral apprehensive system. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition application F, pain receptors PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 909 OBJ: 31.4.1 Discuss the sense of contact and determine the various kinds of sensory receptors in the outside. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 20. ANS: F, Most PTS: OBJ: TOP: 21. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 910 31.4.2 Explain the connection between odor and style. Foundation Edition BLM: knowledge F, semicircular canals PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 22. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 911 31.4.3 Identify the parts of the ears that make hearing and balance imaginable. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension F, rods PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 23. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: BLM: 24. ANS: REF: STA: BLM: 25. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 913 31.4.4 Describe the major portions of the attention and explain how the attention allows us to look. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition software T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 912 | p. 913 31.4.4 Describe the key portions of the attention and provide an explanation for how the eye enables us to see. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 922 OBJ: 32.1.1 List the structures and purposes of the skeletal system. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition software F, Yellow PTS: OBJ: TOP: 26. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: 27. ANS: REF: STA: BLM: 28. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 924 32.1.2 Describe the structure of a regular bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 929 32.2.1 Describe the structure and function of every of the 3 kinds of muscular tissues. UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.d BLM: software T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 p. 930 OBJ: 32.2.2 Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction. UT.BIO.3.2.d TOP: Foundation Edition wisdom F, weaken PTS: OBJ: STA: 29. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 933 32.2.3 Describe the interplay of muscle tissue, bones, and tendons to provide movement. UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension F, nutrition D PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 935 OBJ: 32.3.1 State the purposes of the integumentary gadget. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a 30. ANS: REF: STA: 31. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 936 OBJ: 32.3.2 Identify the constructions of the integumentary gadget. UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: knowledge F, ultraviolet PTS: OBJ: TOP: 32. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: 33. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 939 32.3.3 Describe one of the crucial issues that affect the surface. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 951 33.1.2 Describe the structure of the center and explain how it pumps blood through the body. UT.BIO.3.1.a | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: comprehension F, toward PTS: OBJ: BLM: 34. ANS: REF: OBJ: BLM: 35. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 952 33.1.3 Name 3 types of blood vessels in the circulatory gadget. comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 955 33.2.1 Explain the functions of blood plasma, crimson blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. software F, valves PTS: OBJ: BLM: 36. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 956 33.2.2 Describe the position of the lymphatic machine. comprehension F, high PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 959 OBJ: 33.2.3 List 3 not unusual circulatory diseases. 37. ANS: F, LDL STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: evaluation PTS: OBJ: BLM: 38. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 959 33.2.4 Describe the relationship between ldl cholesterol and circulatory illness. comprehension F, carbon dioxide PTS: OBJ: STA: 39. ANS: REF: 40. ANS: REF: STA: 41. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 963 33.3.1 Identify the constructions of the breathing device and describe their functions. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 966 OBJ: 33.3.2 Describe fuel change. BLM: analysis T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 967 OBJ: 33.3.3 Describe how respiring is managed. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: knowledge F, increases PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 968 OBJ: 33.3.4 Describe the effects of smoking at the respiratory machine. BLM: wisdom 42. ANS: F, Endocrine PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 43. ANS: REF: STA: BLM: 44. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 979 34.1.1 Describe the structure and function of the endocrine gadget. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 984 OBJ: 34.2.1 Identify the purposes of the major endocrine glands. UT.BIO.3.2.a TOP: Foundation Edition software F, expanding PTS: OBJ: BLM: 45. ANS: REF: TOP: 46. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 985 34.2.2 Explain how endocrine glands are controlled. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a software T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 988 OBJ: 34.3.1 Describe the results the intercourse hormones have on construction. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension T, seminal fluid PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 47. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 990 34.3.2 Name and discuss the structures of the male reproductive device. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge F, first PTS: OBJ: STA: 48. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 993 34.3.3 Name and talk about the constructions of the feminine reproductive system. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension F, an build up PTS: OBJ: STA: 49. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 993 34.3.3 Name and discuss the buildings of the female reproductive machine. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension F, earlier than PTS: OBJ: TOP: 50. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 994 34.3.4 Describe some of the maximum not unusual sexually transmitted diseases. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension F, implantation PTS: OBJ: TOP: 51. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 995 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early stages of construction. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom F, Fallopian tubes PTS: OBJ: TOP: 52. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 995 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early stages of building. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 999 OBJ: 34.4.2 Identify the major events of later stages of construction. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: application 53. ANS: F, prolactin PTS: OBJ: TOP: 54. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1000 34.4.2 Identify the foremost events of later phases of development. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom F, pathogens PTS: OBJ: BLM: 55. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1012 35.1.2 Explain how infectious illnesses are unfold. comprehension F, humoral PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 56. ANS: REF: STA: BLM: 57. ANS: REF: TOP: 58. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1017 35.2.3 List the frame's specific defenses against pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 p. 1018 | p. 1019 OBJ: 35.2.3 List the body's specific defenses in opposition to pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition utility T PTS: 1 DIF: L1 p. 1020 OBJ: 35.3.1 Distinguish between lively immunity and passive immunity. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension F, unique PTS: OBJ: TOP: 59. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1022 35.3.3 Describe why patterns of infectious illness have modified. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension F, Antihistamines PTS: OBJ: STA: 60. ANS: REF: OBJ: STA: BLM: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1024 35.4.1 Explain what occurs when the immune machine overreacts to harmless pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension T PTS: 1 DIF: L2 p. 1025 35.4.1 Explain what occurs when the immune system overreacts to risk free pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge TOP: Foundation Edition COMPLETION 61. ANS: cells PTS: OBJ: STA: 62. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 862 30.1.1 Describe how the human body is organized. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c Homeostasis BLM: comprehension PTS: 1 DIF: L1 STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b 63. ANS: ATP REF: p. 865 BLM: wisdom PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 865 OBJ: 30.2.1 Explain how meals supplies energy. 64. ANS: minerals PTS: OBJ: STA: 65. ANS: OBJ: 30.1.2 Explain homeostasis. BLM: wisdom 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 872 30.2.2 Identify the very important nutrients your body needs and tell how each and every is important to the frame. UT.BIO.2.1.b BLM: comprehension Food labels PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 873 OBJ: 30.2.3 Explain methods to plan a balanced vitamin. 66. ANS: chyme BLM: utility PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 877 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive device and give an explanation for their purposes. | 30.3.2 Explain what occurs all through digestion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 67. ANS: mechanical PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 876 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive device and provide an explanation for their functions. | 30.3.2 Explain what happens right through digestion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 68. ANS: sodium bicarbonate PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 878 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive system and give an explanation for their functions. | 30.3.2 Explain what happens all over digestion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: wisdom 69. ANS: surface space PTS: OBJ: STA: 70. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 880 30.3.2 Explain what happens all over digestion. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c urine BLM: comprehension PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 886 OBJ: 30.4.1 Describe the buildings of the excretory device and explain their functions. | 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys deal with homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c | UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: application 71. ANS: kidney transplantation PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 887 OBJ: 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys handle homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: knowledge 72. ANS: nodes PTS: OBJ: BLM: 73. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 897 31.1.2 Describe the serve as of neurons. wisdom mind stem PTS: OBJ: TOP: 74. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 903 31.2.1 Discuss the functions of the brain and spinal twine. Foundation Edition BLM: application dopamine PTS: OBJ: BLM: 75. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 31.2.2 Describe the results of drugs at the brain. knowledge somatic PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 76. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 907 31.3.2 Describe the purposes of the motor division of the peripheral fearful system. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition application hypothalamus PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 77. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 909 31.4.1 Discuss the sense of touch and determine the various sorts of sensory receptors in the skin. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge style buds PTS: OBJ: TOP: 78. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 910 31.4.2 Explain the connection between scent and style. Foundation Edition BLM: knowledge ears PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 79. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 911 31.4.3 Identify the portions of the ears that make listening to and balance imaginable. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension lens PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 80. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 912 31.4.4 Describe the foremost portions of the eye and explain how the eye enables us to peer. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension cones TOP: Foundation Edition STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 913 OBJ: 31.4.4 Describe the foremost portions of the eye and give an explanation for how the eye permits us to peer. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: utility 81. ANS: cytoskeletons PTS: OBJ: STA: 82. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 922 32.1.1 List the buildings and purposes of the skeletal gadget. UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: wisdom immovable PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 83. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 926 32.1.3 List the other sorts of joints and describe the variability of motion of each and every. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension sliding-filament fashion PTS: OBJ: TOP: 84. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 930 32.2.2 Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom neuromuscular junction PTS: OBJ: BLM: 85. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 931 32.2.2 Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction. knowledge triceps PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 86. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 932 32.2.3 Describe the interaction of muscles, bones, and tendons to supply movement. UT.BIO.3.2.c TOP: Foundation Edition application integumentary PTS: OBJ: TOP: 87. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 935 32.3.1 State the purposes of the integumentary device. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom melanin PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 88. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 936 32.3.2 Identify the buildings of the integumentary device. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition application epidermis PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 89. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 937 32.3.2 Identify the constructions of the integumentary device. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition wisdom histamine PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 938 OBJ: 32.3.3 Describe one of the problems that affect the surface. BLM: utility STA: UT.BIO.3.2.d STA: UT.BIO.3.2.d STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a 90. ANS: oxygen PTS: OBJ: STA: 91. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 948 33.1.1 Identify the functions of the human circulatory device. UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension systemic PTS: OBJ: STA: 92. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 950 33.1.2 Describe the structure of the guts and explain how it pumps blood in the course of the frame. UT.BIO.3.1.a | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: comprehension blood drive PTS: OBJ: BLM: 93. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 953 33.1.3 Name three forms of blood vessels in the circulatory system. wisdom 120/80 PTS: OBJ: BLM: 94. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 953 33.1.3 Name three sorts of blood vessels in the circulatory device. knowledge hemoglobin PTS: OBJ: BLM: 95. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 954 33.2.1 Explain the purposes of blood plasma, pink blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. knowledge water PTS: OBJ: BLM: 96. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 954 33.2.1 Explain the functions of blood plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. comprehension lymph nodes PTS: OBJ: BLM: 97. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 957 33.2.2 Describe the position of the lymphatic machine. application atherosclerosis PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 958 OBJ: 33.2.3 List three not unusual circulatory diseases. 98. ANS: statins PTS: OBJ: BLM: 99. ANS: PTS: OBJ: STA: 100. ANS: STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: knowledge 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 961 33.2.4 Describe the relationship between ldl cholesterol and circulatory disease. knowledge larynx 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 964 33.3.1 Identify the buildings of the respiratory gadget and describe their purposes. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: software fearful PTS: OBJ: STA: 101. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 967 33.3.3 Describe how respiring is controlled. UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a endocrine, blood PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 102. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 979 34.1.1 Describe the structure and function of the endocrine system. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge lipids PTS: OBJ: BLM: 103. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 980 34.1.2 Explain how hormones paintings. comprehension hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland PTS: OBJ: BLM: 104. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 987 34.2.2 Explain how endocrine glands are managed. comprehension Puberty PTS: OBJ: TOP: 105. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 988 34.3.1 Describe the consequences the sex hormones have on building. Foundation Edition BLM: knowledge scrotum PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 106. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 989 34.3.2 Name and speak about the constructions of the male reproductive gadget. UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition application follicle BLM: comprehension TOP: Foundation Edition STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 993 OBJ: 34.3.3 Name and discuss the structures of the female reproductive device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 107. ANS: fertilization pregnancy PTS: OBJ: TOP: 108. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 995 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early levels of construction. Foundation Edition BLM: research gastrulation, endoderm PTS: OBJ: TOP: 109. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 997 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early levels of construction. Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension placenta PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 998 | p. 1001 OBJ: 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early stages of construction. | 34.4.2 Identify the main occasions of later phases of building. BLM: comprehension 110. ANS: infectious PTS: OBJ: BLM: 111. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1010 35.1.1 Identify the reasons of infectious disease. wisdom vectors PTS: OBJ: BLM: 112. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1013 35.1.2 Explain how infectious diseases are spread. utility pathogens PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 113. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1014 35.2.1 Describe the body's nonspecific defenses in opposition to invading pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension histamines PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 114. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1014 35.2.1 Describe the frame's nonspecific defenses towards invading pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition knowledge antigens PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 115. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1016 35.2.2 Describe the function of the immune device's explicit defenses. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition application helper PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 116. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1018 | p. 1019 35.2.3 List the body's specific defenses against pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension antibodies PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 117. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1016 35.2.3 List the body's particular defenses towards pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension Edward Jenner PTS: OBJ: TOP: 118. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1020 35.3.1 Distinguish between active immunity and passive immunity. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom micro organism TOP: Foundation Edition TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: OBJ: TOP: 119. ANS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1021 35.3.2 Describe how public well being measures and medications battle disease. Foundation Edition BLM: wisdom autoimmune PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 120. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1024 35.4.1 Explain what happens when the immune machine overreacts to risk free pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition software AIDS PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1026 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and how it impacts the immune device. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition comprehension SHORT ANSWER 121. ANS: A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform a single function. An organ is a bunch of tissues that paintings in combination to perform a complex function. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 862 | p. 863 OBJ: 30.1.1 Describe how the human body is arranged. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 122. ANS: Molecules in food contain chemical power that cells use to supply ATP. Food additionally supplies raw materials your frame must construct and repair tissue. PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 868 OBJ: 30.2.1 Explain how food supplies energy. BLM: comprehension 123. ANS: Structure A is unsaturated fat and Structure B is saturated fat. Saturated fat is forged at room temperature and is related to middle problems. An example is butter. Unsaturated fat is liquid at room temperature and is no longer associated with middle issues. An instance is olive oil. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 870 OBJ: 30.2.2 Identify the essential nutrients your frame needs and tell how every is necessary to the body. STA: UT.BIO.2.1.b BLM: synthesis 124. ANS: Fiber is a complex carbohydrate called cellulose. It is necessary as it helps muscle mass move meals and wastes via your digestive machine. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 869 OBJ: 30.2.2 Identify the essential vitamins your body wishes and inform how each is essential to the frame. STA: UT.BIO.2.1.b BLM: comprehension 125. ANS: The procedure is referred to as peristalsis. During peristalsis, easy muscles contract in waves pushing the chewed clump of food throughout the esophagus and into the tummy. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 877 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive gadget and explain their functions. | 30.3.2 Explain what occurs right through digestion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 126. ANS: The waft chart will have to display an understanding that waste-filled blood enters the kidney during the renal artery into the nephron. Inside the nephron it is filtered in the glomerulus. Cleaned blood leaves the kidney in the course of the renal vein. Waste merchandise depart the kidney in the course of the gathering duct, then the ureter. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 885 OBJ: 30.4.1 Describe the constructions of the excretory gadget and give an explanation for their purposes. | 30.4.2 Explain how the kidneys clean the blood. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: synthesis 127. ANS: The doctor would possibly recommend that you drink more fluids since the water level in your blood is low. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 886 OBJ: 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys deal with homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: application 128. ANS: Her brother is in a position to continue to exist after donating his kidney because he has two and he can nonetheless live on with simplest one. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 887 OBJ: 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys take care of homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 129. ANS: They handle homeostasis via putting off waste merchandise from the blood, keeping up blood pH, and regulating water content material. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 886 OBJ: 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys handle homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension 130. ANS: Impulses shuttle sooner down axons that have myelin sheaths than they travel down axons without them. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 897 OBJ: 31.1.2 Describe the function of neurons. BLM: evaluation 131. ANS: An impulse won't be able to pass from one cell to another. TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 900 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 132. ANS: The neuron is at rest because the gated sodium and potassium channels are closed. Also, the focus of Ok+ ions is upper throughout the mobile than it is out of doors the mobile. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 898 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. BLM: analysis 133. ANS: Impulses are all the time transmitted in one course around the synapse as a result of axons, no longer dendrites, unencumber neurotransmitters. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 900 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 134. ANS: The brain stem controls or is involved in one of the body's maximum essential purposes, together with breathing, center rate, and blood force legislation.These involuntary processes are essential to lifestyles, so the disruption of any of those processes can cause death. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 903 OBJ: 31.2.1 Discuss the functions of the brain and spinal twine. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: research 135. ANS: A drug consumer's mind reacts to over the top dopamine by means of reducing the selection of receptors for the neurotransmitter. Because there are fewer receptors, better quantities of the drug are required to provide the same high. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 904 OBJ: 31.2.2 Describe the results of substances on the mind. BLM: analysis 136. ANS: Smells from food activate the chemoreceptors. Going on amusement rides turns on mechanoreceptors. Photoreceptors are stimulated through the light or flashing lighting. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 906 OBJ: 31.3.1 Describe the functions of the sensory department of the peripheral anxious gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 137. ANS: The chemicals that make jalapeno peppers taste "hot" in reality bind to thermoreceptors in the mouth. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 909 OBJ: 31.4.1 Discuss the sense of contact and determine the quite a lot of types of sensory receptors in the surface. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: research 138. ANS: It is flawed because technically maximum of what we perceive as "taste" is in fact the odor of meals. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 910 OBJ: 31.4.2 Explain the relationship between odor and style. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: evaluation 139. ANS: Vibrations from the oval window motive waves in the fluid-filled cochlea. The waves reason the motion of hair cells that line the cochlea. These hair cells send nerve impulses to the mind. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 911 OBJ: 31.4.3 Identify the parts of the ears that make hearing and steadiness conceivable. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: synthesis 140. ANS: Both rods and cones are photoreceptors in the retina. Rods are sensitive to light however don't distinguish colors. Cones are much less delicate to gentle than rods, but cones respond to gentle of various colours. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 913 OBJ: 31.4.4 Describe the main portions of the eye and provide an explanation for how the eye enables us to see. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 141. ANS: In osteoporosis, osteoclasts destroy down bone quicker than osteoblasts rebuild it. This results in a lower in bone density and subsequently makes bones weaker. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 925 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of an ordinary bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: software 142. ANS: If spongy bone had a cast structure rather than a latticework structure, it will be extra dense, and therefore it will have more mass. This would make the body heavier. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 924 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of a normal bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: synthesis 143. ANS: Without bursae, there could be an increase in friction between the bones of a joint and any tissue in which they arrive in touch. This would make motion painful and in some instances tricky. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 927 OBJ: 32.1.3 List the other forms of joints and describe the range of movement of each and every. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: synthesis 144. ANS: Tying shoelaces requires moving the palms and the arms. This form of motion is done through skeletal muscular tissues. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 929 OBJ: 32.2.1 Describe the structure and serve as of each and every of the three types of muscle tissue. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.d TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: utility 145. ANS: A muscle is made up of many muscle fibers. The energy of a muscle contraction varies relying upon the overall selection of particular person muscle fibers that contract. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 930 | p. 931 OBJ: 32.2.2 Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.d BLM: analysis 146. ANS: The left hand would most certainly be stronger because the individual would use it much more than the best hand, and exercising muscles reasons them to grow stronger. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 933 OBJ: 32.2.3 Describe the interaction of muscle mass, bones, and tendons to provide motion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 147. ANS: This observation is right. Any type of controlled motion calls for muscles to paintings in opposing pairs. In order to hold a violin, strum a guitar, or play the piano the brain should learn to paintings muscle teams in simply the proper ways to make the concerned joints transfer precisely. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 932 OBJ: 32.2.3 Describe the interplay of muscle groups, bones, and tendons to provide motion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: evaluation 148. ANS: The pores and skin has many various functions. They come with appearing as a barrier in opposition to an infection and damage, serving to to keep watch over frame temperature, disposing of waste products from the body, and providing coverage against ultraviolet radiation from the solar. The pores and skin additionally produces vitamin D and gathers sensory information from the surroundings. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 935 OBJ: 32.3.1 State the functions of the integumentary device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 149. ANS: The dermis is made up of layers of epithelial cells and accommodates pigment-producing melanocytes. The epidermis comprises nerve endings, blood vessels, smooth muscle, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 936 | p. 937 OBJ: 32.3.2 Identify the buildings of the integumentary system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 150. ANS: Answers must show an understanding that acne develops when sebum and lifeless skin cells form plugs in hair follicles, which ends up in infection and irritation. Answers could also address the fact that high hormone levels all the way through puberty result in increased sebum production or that acne may also be caused through micro organism. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 938 OBJ: 32.3.3 Describe one of the issues that impact the outside. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 151. ANS: It is vital to do these items as a result of they give protection to you from over the top publicity to ultraviolet radiation, which causes melanoma and different sorts of skin most cancers. PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 939 OBJ: 32.3.3 Describe one of the vital problems that affect the skin. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 152. ANS: Larger organisms want a circulatory device because their cells aren't in direct contact with the surroundings. They require supply of vitamins and oxygen. In addition, the circulatory gadget transports components that are made in one a part of the organism to any other a part of the organism the place they could also be wanted. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 948 OBJ: 33.1.1 Identify the purposes of the human circulatory system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension 153. ANS: The middle is involved in both circuits of stream. In pulmonary stream, the suitable side of the center pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs, the place it is oxygenated and returned to the heart. In systemic move, the left aspect of the guts pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. The cells take in oxygen and load the blood with carbon dioxide, which is returned to the right aspect of the guts. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 950 OBJ: 33.1.1 Identify the functions of the human circulatory machine. | 33.1.2 Describe the structure of the middle and explain how it pumps blood during the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.1.a | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: research 154. ANS: Arteries lift blood from the center to the tissues of the frame. Capillaries deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and absorb carbon dioxide and waste products. Veins return blood from the tissues of the frame to the center. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 952 OBJ: 33.1.3 Name 3 kinds of blood vessels in the circulatory gadget. BLM: research 155. ANS: The frame would swell with fluid, a condition referred to as edema. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 956 OBJ: 33.2.2 Describe the role of the lymphatic gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 156. ANS: LDL is the cholesterol service that is possibly to cause hassle in the circulatory system as it turns into part of plaque. HDL is the ldl cholesterol service that normally carries extra cholesterol from tissues and arteries to the liver for removing from the frame. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 959 OBJ: 33.2.4 Describe the relationship between ldl cholesterol and circulatory disease. BLM: analysis 157. ANS: When the atmospheric pressure is upper than the air power in the chest hollow space, air rushes into the lungs. When the atmospheric force is lower than the air force inside the chest hollow space, air rushes out of the lungs. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 967 OBJ: 33.3.3 Describe how respiring is managed. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a 158. ANS: BLM: synthesis The commentary is true. Secondhand smoke exposes other folks to cancer-causing chemical substances comparable to formaldehyde, arsenic, and ammonia. It additionally aggravates bronchial asthma and reasons an increase in ear infections in youngsters. In addition, secondhand smoke reasons sticky platelets and harm to blood vessels, in some instances resulting in death from middle disease. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 969 OBJ: 33.3.4 Describe the effects of smoking on the breathing device. BLM: evaluation 159. ANS: A target cell is a cell that has receptors for a specific hormone. If a cellular does now not have receptors for a specific hormone, the hormone has no impact on it. Since best sure cells have receptors for specific hormones, all cells don't seem to be goal cells for all hormones. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 978 OBJ: 34.1.1 Describe the structure and function of the endocrine gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 160. ANS: Steroid hormones can input the nucleus of a mobile and change the trend of gene expression in a goal cellular. Nonsteroid hormones bind to receptors on cell membranes and purpose the release of secondary messengers that have an effect on mobile actions. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 980 | p. 981 OBJ: 34.1.2 Explain how hormones work. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 161. ANS: hypothyroidism, G (thyroid) PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 985 OBJ: 34.2.1 Identify the functions of the main endocrine glands. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: analysis 162. ANS: Home heating methods are managed by thermostats. This machine is an example of a comments loop. In a comments loop, an building up in one thing similar to warmth "feeds again" and inhibits the method that produced the warmth in the primary position. The movements of glands and hormones are biological examples of comments loops. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 986 OBJ: 34.2.2 Explain how endocrine glands are controlled. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 163. ANS: Answer will have to show that sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules. From there, they travel through the epididymis, vas deferens, and urethra (in the penis). PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 989 OBJ: 34.3.2 Name and talk about the buildings of the male reproductive system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 164. ANS: Sample Answer: Bacterial STD: led to via bacteria, handled by means of antibiotics, come with chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis Overlap: unfold via sexual touch Viral STD: brought about through viruses, vaccine has been evolved for one, contains HPV and AIDS PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 994 OBJ: 34.3.4 Describe one of the most maximum not unusual sexually transmitted illnesses. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 165. ANS: Once a sperm nucleus has entered the egg, the cellular membrane of the egg cellular adjustments, fighting different sperm from coming into the cellular. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 996 OBJ: 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early phases of development. BLM: comprehension 166. ANS: Sample resolution: If the placenta utterly covers the cervix, it's blocking off the way in which the child would exit the uterus. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 995 | p. 998 | p. 1000 OBJ: 34.4.1 Describe fertilization and the early stages of building. | 34.4.2 Identify the foremost occasions of later phases of building. BLM: research 167. ANS: Oxytocin impacts a gaggle of large involuntary muscle tissues in the uterine wall. As these muscle tissue are stimulated, they start a sequence of rhythmic contractions collectively known as hard work. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1000 OBJ: 34.4.2 Identify the main events of later levels of construction. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 168. ANS: The answer will have to include: viruses: invade and mirror inside of living cells by way of putting their DNA into a bunch cell; purpose chickenpox, influenza, warts, and not unusual chilly bacteria: ruin down the tissues of an infected organism for food or unlock toxins that harm the frame; reason streptococcus, diphtheria, botulism, and anthrax fungi: infect the surface, mouth, throat, fingernails and toenails; motive thrush and ringworm "protists": single-celled eukaryotes that infect other folks thru contaminated water or insect bites; take nutrients from the host; cause African snoozing illness and more than a few intestinal illnesses parasitic worms: input frame throughout the mouth, nose, anus, or skin; most reside in the intestinal tract; reason trichinosis and hookworm PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1010 OBJ: 35.1.1 Identify the causes of infectious illness. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 169. ANS: Sample resolution: Cover your mouth while you cough or sneeze. Wash your fingers and the surfaces that come in touch along with your fingers incessantly. Avoid sexual process. Wash vegetables and fruit completely. Cook seafood totally. PTS: 1 DIF: L1 REF: p. 1012 | p. 1013 OBJ: 35.1.2 Explain how infectious diseases are unfold. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: software 170. ANS: Answer should come with the following: Nonspecific defense First Line of Defense: bodily barrier called skin, saliva, mucus, tears with lysozyme Second Line of Defense: inflammatory reaction (infected areas transform pink and painful or inflamed, starts when pathogens stimulate cells referred to as mast cells to free up histamines), interferons (proteins that inhibit synthesis of viral proteins blocking off their replication), fever (chemical substances increase frame temperature to gradual down or stop the expansion of pathogens) PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1014 | p. 1015 OBJ: 35.2.1 Describe the body's nonspecific defenses against invading pathogens. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 171. ANS: Interferons, which interrupt viral replication, are produced by virus-infected cells and assist decelerate viral infections; thus, they don't seem to be efficient at preventing nonviral pathogens. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1015 OBJ: 35.2.1 Describe the body's nonspecific defenses in opposition to invading pathogens. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 172. ANS: No, your body is not safe in opposition to an infection with rubella since the two diseases are led to through two other viruses sporting two other antigens. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1016 OBJ: 35.2.2 Describe the serve as of the immune device's explicit defenses. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 173. ANS: Humoral immunity is dependent upon the action of antibodies that are discovered embedded in B cells. When an antigen binds to antibodies, helper T cells activate B cells to develop and divide all of a sudden. Without helper T cells, B cells would not be stimulated to develop and divide. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1017 OBJ: 35.2.3 List the body's explicit defenses against pathogens. | 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and how it affects the immune system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 174. ANS: A number one reaction happens when the frame is first exposed to a pathogen. A secondary reaction happens when the frame is exposed to the same pathogen for a second time. Memory B cells and T cells, which survived after the first an infection, react quickly when the same pathogen enters the frame again. PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 175. ANS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1017 35.2.3 List the body's particular defenses against pathogens. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition analysis Active immunity is the kind of immunity that develops as a result of exposure to an antigen. Passive immunity occurs when externally produced antibodies are introduced to an individual's blood. A vaccination is the injection of a weakened or less dangerous type of a pathogen to produce immunity. It is an instance of active immunity for the reason that immune gadget produces B cells and T cells in response to the antigens in the vaccine. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1020 OBJ: 35.3.1 Distinguish between active immunity and passive immunity. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: utility 176. ANS: No, acyclovir is not an antibiotic because antibiotics are compounds that inhibit bacterial growth and are used to treat bacterial infections; acyclovir is an antiviral drug, which is used to treat some viral infections. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1021 OBJ: 35.3.2 Describe how public well being measures and medicines fight illness. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 177. ANS: If an immune device overreacts to innocuous antigens, allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease can happen. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1024 OBJ: 35.4.1 Explain what occurs when the immune system overreacts to innocuous pathogens. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 178. ANS: Lupus is classed as an autoimmune illness as a result of antibodies assault organs and tissues causing spaces of continual inflammation all through the body. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1024 OBJ: 35.4.1 Explain what happens when the immune system overreacts to harmless pathogens. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: comprehension 179. ANS: The drug must lead to an increase in the number of T cells in the blood and spice up the person's immune machine. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1026 | p. 1027 OBJ: 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and how it impacts the immune device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: application 180. ANS: Sample solution: field 1: Virus attaches to host cellular membrane via recognizing particular molecules on the mobile floor. box 2: Viral coat fuses with cell membrane and viral RNA enters the cellular. field 3: Reverse transcriptase uses viral RNA as a template to make viral DNA. box 4: Viral DNA enters nucleus and begins inserting itself into host DNA. There it is going to begin to direct the synthesis of viral RNA and mRNA. field 5: Viral mRNA directs the host cellular to assemble viral proteins. field 6: The new viruses bud off from the cellular membrane. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1026 OBJ: 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and the way it affects the immune system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: synthesis OTHER 181. ANS: The figure indicates that you simply will have to attempt to get at least half-hour of workout every day. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 872 | p. 873 OBJ: 30.2.3 Explain the way to plan a balanced vitamin. BLM: analysis 182. ANS: The function of the small gut is to take in nutrients from meals through its partitions. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 880 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive device and provide an explanation for their functions. | 30.3.3 Describe how nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eradicated from the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 183. ANS: Villi PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 880 OBJ: 30.3.3 Describe how nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eliminated from the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: knowledge 184. ANS: Microvilli PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 880 OBJ: 30.3.3 Describe how vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eliminated from the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: wisdom 185. ANS: Epithelial tissue would be discovered within the lining of the small intestine as a result of one of the crucial functions of epithelial tissue is absorption and excretion of fabrics. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 863 | p. 880 OBJ: 30.1.1 Describe how the human body is arranged. | 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive gadget and give an explanation for their functions. | 30.3.3 Describe how nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and wastes are eliminated from the body. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: evaluation 186. ANS: hydrochloric acid; protein; fat PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 878 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive device and explain their functions. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 187. ANS: the percent of bicarbonate and digestive enzymes in pancreatic juice PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 878 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive machine and explain their functions. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: research 188. ANS: fat; 80% PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 878 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive machine and give an explanation for their functions. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 189. ANS: Digestive enzymes destroy down fat and different nutrients. Therefore, if fat is present in the small intestine, the pancreas secretes more digestive enzymes. Bicarbonate is a base that neutralizes acids. Therefore, if hydrochloric acid is provide in the small intestine, the pancreas secretes more bicarbonate. Also, digestive enzymes would be destroyed by way of strong acids. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 878 OBJ: 30.3.1 Describe the organs of the digestive device and explain their functions. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: evaluation 190. ANS: vesicles PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 900 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. BLM: comprehension 191. ANS: An impulse reaches the tip of the axon of 1 neuron. TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 900 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 192. ANS: The neurotransmitters could also be broken down through enzymes, or taken up and recycled via the axon terminal. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 900 OBJ: 31.1.3 Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted. BLM: comprehension 193. ANS: two hours PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 OBJ: 31.2.2 Describe the results of drugs on the brain. BLM: analysis 194. ANS: no TOP: Foundation Edition TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 OBJ: 31.2.2 Describe the effects of drugs on the brain. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 195. ANS: Individuals with more mass can consume extra alcoholic drinks in the similar period of time and have a decrease BAC than folks with much less mass. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 OBJ: 31.2.2 Describe the effects of gear on the mind. BLM: analysis 196. ANS: one hour PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 904 OBJ: 31.2.2 Describe the results of substances at the brain. BLM: evaluation 197. ANS: structure D, hypothalamus TOP: Foundation Edition TOP: Foundation Edition PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 903 OBJ: 31.2.1 Discuss the purposes of the brain and spinal cord. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 198. ANS: axial skeleton PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 922 | p. 923 OBJ: 32.1.1 List the constructions and purposes of the skeletal system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 199. ANS: palms and ft PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 922 | p. 923 OBJ: 32.1.1 List the constructions and purposes of the skeletal system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: application 200. ANS: Structure B is spongy bone and Structure D is compact bone. Compact bone is located underneath the periosteum. It is a dense bone, even though no longer forged. Running via compact bone is a network of blood vessels and nerves. Spongy bone is much less dense than compact bone and is located in long bones and in the middle of short, flat bones. It is powerful and arranged in a latticework structure, which provides energy to the bone with out adding mass. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 924 | p. 925 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of a standard bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 201. ANS: C, yellow bone marrow PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 924 | p. 925 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of an ordinary bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 202. ANS: The Haversian canal accommodates blood vessels and nerves. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 924 | p. 925 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of a normal bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 203. ANS: B, epidermis PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 936 OBJ: 32.3.2 Identify the constructions of the integumentary gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 204. ANS: This sebaceous gland produces oil, called sebum, that may clog hair follicles. Bacteria, trapped in the clog, can lead to an infection and irritation. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 938 OBJ: 32.3.3 Describe probably the most issues that affect the outside. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: application 205. ANS: Structure D is a sweat gland. Sweat glands produce perspiration, or sweat. When sweat evaporates, it takes heat away from the frame. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 937 OBJ: 32.3.2 Identify the structures of the integumentary system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: research 206. ANS: The figure presentations that there are not any blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin, so a slight scratch will most likely no longer be deep enough to damage blood vessels. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 936 OBJ: 32.3.2 Identify the buildings of the integumentary machine. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 207. ANS: The heart is manufactured from cardiac muscle. The left ventricle (F) is extra muscular than the proper ventricle (G) because the proper ventricle simplest pumps blood to the lungs, while the left ventricle pumps blood during the whole body. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 949 OBJ: 33.1.2 Describe the structure of the center and provide an explanation for the way it pumps blood throughout the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.a | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: application 208. ANS: Structure L is the awesome vena cava and it brings oxygen-poor blood from the higher frame to the heart. Structure I is the inferior vena cava and it brings oxygen-poor blood from the lower body to the heart. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 949 OBJ: 33.1.2 Describe the structure of the guts and give an explanation for how it pumps blood in the course of the frame. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.a | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: analysis 209. ANS: D, bronchi Each bronchus leads to a lung. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 964 | p. 965 OBJ: 33.3.1 Identify the constructions of the respiratory gadget and describe their purposes. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: utility 210. ANS: Structure A are the alveoli. They are coated by capillaries because the capillaries are the websites at which carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse in and out of the blood. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 964 | p. 965 OBJ: 33.3.1 Identify the buildings of the respiratory gadget and describe their purposes. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: research 211. ANS: High thyroxine levels inhibit the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary. Less TRH and TSH are released. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 987 OBJ: 34.2.1 Identify the functions of the foremost endocrine glands. | 34.2.2 Explain how endocrine glands are controlled. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a BLM: research 212. ANS: Sperm are shaped in the testis, structure K. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 989 OBJ: 34.3.2 Name and discuss the buildings of the male reproductive gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 213. ANS: Fertilization is perhaps to happen at the first two days following ovulation, which can be days 15 and 16 in the cycle shown. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 992 | p. 993 OBJ: 34.3.3 Name and speak about the structures of the female reproductive machine. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 214. ANS: A woman menstruates during segment A, days 1–5. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 992 | p. 993 OBJ: 34.3.3 Name and talk about the buildings of the female reproductive gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: software 215. ANS: The curve showing the extent of progesterone in the blood would stay excessive if the egg have been fertilized. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 992 | p. 993 OBJ: 34.3.3 Name and talk about the constructions of the female reproductive machine. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 216. ANS: Sample resolution: The microorganisms isolated in A are the reason for the cow's (in addition to the mouse's) illness. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1011 OBJ: 35.1.1 Identify the causes of infectious illness. BLM: synthesis 217. ANS: The shapes of the antigen-binding websites permit an antibody to recognize a specific antigen with a complementary form. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1017 OBJ: 35.2.2 Describe the serve as of the immune system's explicit defenses. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 218. ANS: When antibodies bind to free-floating antigens or antigens on the surface of pathogens, they sign different varieties of cells and proteins to reply by way of attacking and destroying the pathogens. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1017 OBJ: 35.2.2 Describe the serve as of the immune system's particular defenses. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 219. ANS: The dotted line presentations the T-cell focus in sufferers beginning at 800 days after infection with HIV. The cast line shows the T-cell focus in patients beginning at 1200 days after infection with HIV. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1026 | p. 1027 OBJ: 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and how it affects the immune device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 220. ANS: The T mobile focus decreases between days 800 and 1200 all through an HIV an infection. Students should examine the dotted line and the forged line on each graph at 0 days to respond to this question. PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1026 | p. 1027 35.4.2 Describe how HIV is transmitted and the way it impacts the immune gadget. UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition research ESSAY 221. ANS: Answer must come with six of the next methods. The worried device coordinates the body's reaction to adjustments in its inner and external surroundings. The integumentary system serves as a barrier against infection and injury, is helping to control frame temperature, and provides protection in opposition to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The skeletal system supports the body, protects inner organs, allows motion, shops mineral reserves, and offers a website for blood cellular formation. The muscular machine works with the skeletal system to offer voluntary motion and helps to circulate blood and move meals throughout the digestive gadget. The circulatory machine brings oxygen, vitamins, and hormones to cells; fights an infection; eliminates cellular wastes; and helps keep an eye on frame temperature. The respiratory machine provides oxygen needed for mobile breathing and gets rid of extra carbon dioxide from the body. The digestive machine converts meals into more practical molecules that can be utilized through the cells of the frame. The excretory device removes waste products from the body. The endocrine machine controls expansion, development, and metabolism. The reproductive gadget produces reproductive cells and, in the female, nurtures and protects the growing embryo. The lymphatic device is helping protect the body from disease, collects fluid misplaced from blood vessels, and returns the fluid to the circulatory gadget. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 864 OBJ: 30.1.1 Describe how the human frame is arranged. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: comprehension 222. ANS: During comments inhibition, a stimulus produces a response that opposes the unique stimulus. In this instance, nerve cells sense an inflammation at the pores and skin. The nerve cells send a message to the brain and the mind causes your body to reply by opposing it, or scratching. Once the itch stops, your nerve cells send a brand new message on your brain. Your brain reasons your frame to stop scratching. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 865 OBJ: 30.1.2 Explain homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: software 223. ANS: Answers will have to display an working out that a balanced nutrition must include a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nutrients and minerals. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 869 | p. 870 | p. 871 | p. 872 OBJ: 30.2.2 Identify the essential nutrients your frame wishes and tell how every is important to the body. | 30.2.3 Explain find out how to plan a balanced vitamin. STA: UT.BIO.2.1.b BLM: evaluation 224. ANS: The glomerulus is a dense community of capillaries found in the nephrons of kidneys. If their walls had been damaged blood would enter Bowman's tablet and it will appear in the waste merchandise. This would cause blood to appear in the urine. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 884 OBJ: 30.4.2 Explain how the kidneys blank the blood. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: analysis 225. ANS: An larger intake of water reasons the focus of water in the blood to increase. As the quantity of water in the blood will increase, the speed of water reabsorption in the kidneys decreases. Thus, much less water is returned to the blood, and the excess water is excreted as urine. An larger consumption of salt causes the level of salt in the blood to upward thrust. The kidneys reply through returning much less salt to the blood through reabsorption. The extra salt is excreted in urine. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 886 OBJ: 30.4.3 Describe how the kidneys take care of homeostasis. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 226. ANS: The first class is the nervous gadget. Central frightened system (is composed of brain and spinal wire, processes information and creates a response that is brought to the fitting part of the body by way of the peripheral anxious gadget) and peripheral apprehensive machine (consists of nerves and supporting cells, collects knowledge about the body's setting) department off frightened machine. Sensory department (transmits impulses from sense organs to central nervous machine) and motor department (transmits impulses from the central anxious gadget to muscles or glands) then department off peripheral anxious device. The motor department is then divided into somatic apprehensive system (regulates frame actions which can be beneath conscious control) and autonomic system (regulates body activities which might be involuntary). PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 896 | p. 906 | p. 907 | p. 908 OBJ: 31.1.1 Identify the purposes of the worried gadget. | 31.2.1 Discuss the functions of the brain and spinal cord. | 31.3.1 Describe the functions of the sensory department of the peripheral nervous device. | 31.3.2 Describe the functions of the motor division of the peripheral anxious system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c | UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: synthesis 227. ANS: Nerve impulses begin when sensory neurons select up stimuli in the surroundings. In this example the stimulus is the ringing telephone. The nerve impulses pass to interneurons in the mind. The brain translates the impulses from many neurons, making you already know that the telephone is ringing. Your brain decides that you just will have to resolution the telephone. The impulses then go back and forth to motor neurons, which ship impulses to muscle tissues. The muscle tissue lift out the reaction, and also you pick up the phone. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 897 OBJ: 31.1.2 Describe the serve as of neurons. BLM: utility 228. ANS: Frontal lobe: situated at the front of the cranium, liable for comparing penalties, making judgments, and forming plans Parietal lobe: located in the back of the frontal lobe against the again of the skull, chargeable for reading and speech Temporal lobe: positioned beneath the frontal lobe and parietal lobe, liable for listening to and smelling Occipital lobe: situated on the again base of the skull, answerable for imaginative and prescient PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 903 OBJ: 31.2.1 Discuss the functions of the brain and spinal twine. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.b | UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 229. ANS: Fingertips most likely have a better focus of sensory receptors than the fingers of a hand as a result of fingertips are extra delicate to touch. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 909 OBJ: 31.4.1 Discuss the sense of touch and determine the various varieties of sensory receptors in the skin. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 230. ANS: In the ears, the semicircular canals and the sacs are full of fluid and coated with hairs. As a gymnast's head changes place, the fluid in her canals also changes place. This causes the hair on her hair cells to bend. This action, in turn, sends impulses to her brain that allow it to decide her frame motion and place. PTS: OBJ: STA: BLM: 231. ANS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 911 31.4.3 Identify the portions of the ears that make hearing and balance imaginable. UT.BIO.3.1.c TOP: Foundation Edition software An eye is sort of a camera in some ways. Both a camera and a watch have a lens through which mild enters. The function of each lenses is to adjust the focus on far away and on close to objects. In an eye fixed, the student opens or closes to control the quantity of sunshine that enters. This is similar to the adjustable lens of a digital camera. The eye isn't like a digicam in that the brain processes and interprets visible data, inflicting photographs to be detailed. If a watch merely took pictures like a digicam, the pictures can be blurry. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 912 | p. 913 OBJ: 31.4.4 Describe the main portions of the attention and give an explanation for how the attention allows us to look. STA: UT.BIO.3.1.c BLM: analysis 232. ANS: The commentary is false. The skeletal device is made up of bones that are living tissues. In addition to offering enhance for the remainder of the frame, the skeletal machine provides coverage and a system of levers on which muscle tissues act to supply movement. Bones also comprise reserves of minerals that are vital to many frame processes. Finally, many kinds of blood cells are produced in the comfortable tissue that fills the inner cavities in some bones. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 922 | p. 923 OBJ: 32.1.1 List the structures and functions of the skeletal gadget. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 233. ANS: Many lengthy bones, such as the arms, have enlargement plates at both finish in which the expansion of cartilage causes the bones to elongate. Gradually, the cartilage ossifies until the expansion plates disappear—all over overdue formative years or early adulthood. A physician might X-ray the elbow to look if expansion plates are nonetheless present or if the boy is no longer in a position to much further enlargement. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 925 OBJ: 32.1.2 Describe the structure of a standard bone. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 234. ANS: Possible answers come with: Pivot joints in the elbow and ball-and-socket joints in the shoulder assist you to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Hinge joints in the knees mean you can get up after getting off the bed and walk. Saddle joints in the hand help you hold garments, footwear, toothbrushes, or combs. Pivot joints in the neck will let you look each ways as you move the street to get to the bus stop. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 926 OBJ: 32.1.3 List the different forms of joints and describe the variety of motion of every. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 235. ANS: Skeletal muscles is striated, most often attached to the bones of the skeleton, and under voluntary keep watch over. Skeletal muscle cells are lengthy and feature many nuclei. Cardiac muscle tissue is striated and no longer under direct keep an eye on of the central frightened device. Cardiac muscle cells are smaller than skeletal muscle cells and usually have one nucleus. Smooth muscle mass has spindle-shaped cells that have a unmarried nucleus and aren't striated. Smooth muscle is generally not underneath keep an eye on of the central frightened gadget. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 929 OBJ: 32.2.1 Describe the structure and function of each of the three types of muscles. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.d TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 236. ANS: When the biceps muscle contracts, it flexes the elbow joint. When the triceps muscle contracts, it extends the elbow joint. A controlled movement, akin to enjoying the violin, requires coordinated contraction and leisure of both muscle mass. The brain must learn how to paintings opposing muscle groups to only the appropriate degree, or contract in stability, to get the joint to move exactly. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 932 OBJ: 32.2.3 Describe the interplay of muscular tissues, bones, and tendons to supply motion. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 237. ANS: A city's transportation machine is a community of streets, highways, and subway or educate traces that deliver food and goods to town and remove wastes from it. The human body's major transportation system is a closed circulatory system made up of a center, blood vessels, and blood. Like other people in a city, the body's cells want food and goods which can be produced in different places. They additionally need to get rid of their garbage and other wastes. Some cells, corresponding to blood cells, also desire a technique to move around the body similar to folks shifting around a town. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 948 OBJ: 33.1.1 Identify the functions of the human circulatory machine. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: analysis 238. ANS: The teenage boy suffers from low blood drive. When blood drive is too low, sensory neurons in blood vessels ship impulses to the medulla oblongata stimulating the autonomic apprehensive machine to extend the center charge. In addition, hormones produced by the center and different organs trigger the kidneys to preserve water, increasing the amount of the blood. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 953 OBJ: 33.1.1 Identify the functions of the human circulatory system. | 33.1.3 Name 3 sorts of blood vessels in the circulatory device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: evaluation 239. ANS: Thromboplastin is a protein involved in the blood-clotting procedure. When a blood vessel is injured by a lower or scrape, platelets clump on the web page and release the clotting factor thromboplastin. Thromboplastin then triggers a chain of reactions. First, thromboplastin converts the protein prothrombin into the enzyme thrombin. Thrombin then converts the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into insoluble, sticky fibrin filaments, which shape a clot. The clot seals the broken space and prevents additional blood loss. Without thromboplastin, the clotting procedure would not take place typically. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 955 OBJ: 33.2.1 Explain the purposes of blood plasma, purple blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. BLM: evaluation 240. ANS: The table must come with the next: Circulation: The lymphatic machine is a network of vessels that collects fluid, called lymph, leaking from the bloodstream and returns it to the circulatory machine. Immunity: Lymph nodes act as filters, trapping bacteria and different microorganisms that reason illness. They also area white blood cells, which give protection to the frame from an infection. In addition, the spleen cleanses the blood of microorganisms and debris, and the thymus is where in which T lymphocytes mature. Nutrient absorption: Lymph vessels absorb fat and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive tract. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 956 | p. 957 OBJ: 33.2.2 Describe the function of the lymphatic device. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b | UT.BIO.3.2.c BLM: analysis 241. ANS: Steroid hormones, which are product of lipids, transfer across the cellular membranes of goal cells. Once within, a steroid hormone binds to a steroid receptor protein, forming a hormone-receptor advanced. This hormone-receptor complicated enters the mobile's nucleus and binds to a DNA keep an eye on series, which initiates transcription of explicit genes. Protein synthesis of the precise sequences then happens in the cytoplasm. In contrast, nonsteroid hormones can not go during the mobile membranes of their goal cells. Nonsteroid hormones bind to receptors on the cellular membranes, activating an enzyme on the inner surface of the mobile membranes. This enzyme turns on a 2d messenger. The second messenger then activates or inhibits mobile activities. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 980 | p. 981 OBJ: 34.1.2 Explain how hormones work. BLM: research 242. ANS: The hypothalamus contains the cell bodies of cells that reach into the posterior pituitary. It sends apprehensive indicators to the posterior pituitary stimulating it to unencumber hormones. The hypothalamus regulates the activities of the anterior pituitary by way of producing freeing hormones. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 982 OBJ: 34.2.1 Identify the functions of the major endocrine glands. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: comprehension 243. ANS: The hypothalamus comprises cells that are sensitive to the focus of water in the blood. When my body loses water as sweat, the concentration of dissolved fabrics in the blood rises. The hypothalamus responds by first signaling the posterior pituitary gland to unencumber a hormone referred to as ADH (antidiuretic hormone). ADH molecules are carried through the blood to the kidneys, where the removing of water from the blood is readily slowed down. The hypothalamus also causes a thirst sensation. When I drink water, the water is absorbed into the blood. To keep away from the water diluting the blood, the hypothalamus causes the pituitary to liberate less ADH. They kidneys respond via removing water from the blood. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 986 OBJ: 34.2.2 Explain how endocrine glands are controlled. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: application 244. ANS: An egg is first launched from its follicle and is swept away from the ovary into the Fallopian tube. If the egg is fertilized in the Fallopian tube, it will go back and forth into the uterus, transform implanted in the uterine wall, and develop right into a fetus. An unfertilized egg will cross through the uterus, the cervix, and the vagina. It will exit the body in the course of the vagina throughout menstruation. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 992 | p. 993 OBJ: 34.3.3 Name and talk about the buildings of the female reproductive system. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.a | UT.BIO.3.2.b TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 245. ANS: Answer should come with the following knowledge: The maximum common bacterial STD is chlamydia. Other bacterial STDs come with gonorrhea and syphilis. STDs brought about by means of viruses include AIDS, genital warts, genital herpes, and hepatitis B. STDs are spread by way of sexual touch with somebody who has an STD. They could cause infertility, and in some cases loss of life. Bacterial STDs can be handled with antibiotics. For genital warts, which is caused by way of a deadly disease, a vaccine has been developed. The very best strategy to steer clear of sexually transmitted sicknesses is to abstain from sexual touch ahead of marriage and for each companions to remain devoted in their dating. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 994 OBJ: 34.3.4 Describe one of the most maximum not unusual sexually transmitted illnesses. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: synthesis 246. ANS: During months 4–6, the fetus becomes extra complicated and specialised. The heart becomes large enough to be heard with a stethoscope. Bone continues to replace the cartilage forming the early skeleton. A layer of sentimental hair grows over the skin of the fetus. As the fetus will increase in dimension, the mummy's stomach swells to accommodate it. The mother starts to feel it shifting. During months 7–9, the organ methods of the fetus mature and the fetus grows in dimension and mass. The lungs and other organs undergo a sequence of changes that get ready them for lifestyles outside the uterus. The fetus is now ready to keep watch over its frame temperature. In addition, the central anxious device and lungs whole their building. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 999 OBJ: 34.4.2 Identify the key occasions of later stages of construction. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: research 247. ANS: Sample resolution: The germ theory of disease is the idea that infectious sicknesses are adjustments to body physiology that disrupt normal body functions by microorganisms. It is unsuitable to use the word "germ" because it has no clinical meaning. A greater name for the theory could be the microorganism theory of disease. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1010 OBJ: 35.1.1 Identify the causes of infectious disease. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 248. ANS: Lysozyme is an enzyme that is present in many secretions of the body, such as mucus and saliva. This enzyme kills many bacteria. In addition, the secretions of oil and sweat glands are acidic, and plenty of micro organism are killed by means of an acidic environment. Stomach acid and digestive enzymes wreck many pathogens. Fever, which elevates middle price and creates an atmosphere adverse to pathogens, is also led to by way of the discharge of enzymes. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1014 | p. 1015 OBJ: 35.2.1 Describe the body's nonspecific defenses towards invading pathogens. STA: UT.BIO.3.2.b BLM: software 249. ANS: The two primary components are public well being measures and the improvement of drugs. Public health measures help save you disease by means of tracking and regulating meals and water supplies. They also advertise childhood vaccination and behaviors that steer clear of infection. Medications corresponding to antibiotics and antiviral medicine work to slow down and kill micro organism and viruses that motive infections. PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 1021 OBJ: 35.3.2 Describe how public health measures and medicines fight illness. TOP: Foundation Edition BLM: analysis 250. ANS: The build up in international trade signifies that other folks from around the world can simply get products and services from people in different international locations. This increase leads to better destruction of the environment as a result of clearing land for factories and different development as well as for obtaining herbal sources. This also causes other folks to come back in contact with different animals and pathogens. In addition, there was an build up in the unique animal business for pets and for meals. This offers pathogens new alternatives to leap from people to animals. Furthermore, an increase in the delivery of materials from one country to some other causes other people to come in touch with merchandise that can had been produced in, and shipped from, countries that experience fewer restrictions and rules. PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 1022 OBJ: 35.3.3 Describe why patterns of infectious illness have modified. BLM: synthesis
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